Kosher Queers

99 — Haazinu: Can I Get a Selah?

Season 2 Episode 99

This week, we debate the unholy combination that is polyamory, ponder the beauty of limericks, flirt briefly with pornoprophetics, and talk frankly a lot about words related to "gadol."

Transcript available here, but this week's transcript is also a little delayed due to the holiday, and the full thing will be up and correct shortly.

You can check out the band Really From at their bandcamp! You can also check out the work of Fat Torah at their website, where Jaz's classmate Emily Rogal has done cool work! The bit from Talmud we referenced about how angels don't understand Aramaic is in Shabbat 12b. If you're curious about the "Microsoft Sam" voice, there's a text-to-speech where you can listen to it here (though Lulav wishes to advise that you open it in an incognito window). Jaz references a TV show that they couldn't remember the name of that we're pretty sure was Joan of Arcadia (2003-05), which is apparently not available for legal streaming anywhere on the internet, because capitalism is not interested in cultural preservation. John Donne's most famous poem about being horny for Hashem can be found here, but if you want it longer, less blasphemous, AND with uncriticized examples of ancient colorism, Shir haShirim is right there.

This week's reading is Samuel II 22:1-51. Next week's reading is Ezekiel 38:18–39:16, and that'll be the last episode of season 2, and the formal end of the podcast for the foreseeable future!

Support us on Patreon or Ko-fi! Our music is by the band Brivele. This week, our audio was edited by Lulav Arnow, and our transcript was written by JJ Jensen, who you can follow on Twitter @pantspossum. Our logo is by Lior Gross, and we are not endorsed by or affiliated with the Orthodox Union.

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